Tuesday, December 21, 2010


is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty or intimidation.  "Physical courage" is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, death, or threat of death.

So stumbling bumbling along through deployment would be classified physical courage.  I give major props to those families that have a deployment over a year.  I salute those who have lost loved ones to this never ending hell.

I had this blog all typed out in my noggin before I made it to the keyboard.  Like clockwork now that I have made it to the keyboard, nothingHere I sit here staring at my blank screen yet again.

Every time I start to type, my mind would became flooded with previous jolly memories of holidays past.  Never were the gifts that important.  Nor the food or decorations. Pass on Santa Claus and the Christmas music. It's all about the time and fun I have while spending it with loved ones.  That's what's missing this year. I've had nobody to be my partner in crime for oh about, well a while now.

My physical courage is to beat this deployment hands down, while staring fear in its giant ugly face.
I will leave you with some quotes of courage.

  • Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.  ~Ambrose Redmoon
  •  Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.  ~Winston Churchill
  • Courage doesn't always roar.  Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.  ~Mary Anne Radmacher 
  • Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.  ~Dan Rather
  • Courage is doing what you're afraid to do.  There can be no courage unless you're scared.  ~Edward Vernon Rickenbacker
  • Sometimes the biggest act of courage is a small one.  ~Lauren Raffo
  • Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.  ~C.S. Lewis
  • The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy.  ~John F. Kennedy
 My favorite quote.
  •  Fear and courage are brothers.  ~Proverb 

Monday, December 20, 2010

So in the Spirit of...

Boring.  Yup, the Spirit of Boring.  Today was a lay back and do not a dang thing, except watch movies.  Oh and munch on salsa and chips.  So far on my list of movies (yes old and new) I have seen:

  • Princess Bride - A funny (possibly hilarious) story based on True Love.  I am a fan of romance movies, but I have to say I love the comedy in this movie more than the romance.  "The dread pirate Roberts is here for your SOOOOOOOOOOOUL."  There are many other areas in the movie that I also enjoy.  Westley dead part-("Why wont my arms move?"  "You've been mostly dead all day.")  Where the young boy interrupts his grandfather-("You mean Humperdink wins! Jesus Grandpa what did you read this to me for.)  
  • Grown Ups - I swear I laughed almost every minute through this movie.  Too many hilarious parts to name just one.  Not only hilarious there was a few lessons in the movie.  Only real friends would be able to crack on each other like they did in this movie.
  • Despicable Me -Yes, I am a sucker for kids movies too.  Hilarious moments, and the bad guy changing because the little girls he took in change his heart was a total twist in the movie.  The minions were freaking awesome. Parts of that movie I enjoyed: When they crack and shake the one minion who becomes a glow stick, where the girls are throwing toilet paper (Edith points at one of the minions and says "uuuuuh it was your cousins idea" the minion replies "WHAAAAAAAAAAAT"), "It's so FLUFFY," and there were many other parts of the movie that were just as great.
  • Kate and Leopold - Another romantic movie.  It really is sad that there are people out there that treat their exs like Kate did to Stuart, but then there is a reason they are exs.  It also shocks the hell out of me how manors where back in the days, yet very rarely do they exist theses days.  I love the time period Leopold originated.  The elegant clothing, parties, and how everything in those days were slow (slow as in not go, go, go, go).
  • Something's Gotta Give - I guess you could classify this movie as romantic.  I am not really sure what to put for this movie.  I enjoyed it.  I guess since my fingers are confused as to what put here, you'll just have to watch the movie yourself.
I really enjoy down time for movies.  Movies are great, you can live the character as if it were your life.  Don't get me wrong you can do that through really great books, but being able to actually see what is going on instead of having to visualize rocks.  Yes, I will admit at times I am lazy, but hey that's what Sundays are for, well mine anyways.  Oooo a possible movie to watch.
  • Zenon:Z3 - "Zoom zoom zoom You make my heart go boom boom boom My supernova girl."  Okay so at 05:30 this just happened to catch my attention on the Disney channel.  Interesting movie, once again more lessons in the movie.  Not to mention Proto Zoa is cute.
That's all the movies for today. Time to drag my butt off to bed, I really need to get my screwed up sleeping schedule back on track.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

And Go...

They say the first impression is always the lasting impression.  I was never any good at that, never.  Pigs would fly before I leave a lasting first impression.  I am the shy, quiet type, that is until you get to know me.  Then I do believe most people would not want to know me (kidding).  Yup this is harder than I thought it would be, but I think I can do it.

The holiday season is just not the same when your partner is missing.  The only thing I have decorated is stockings, a nativity scene, and the count down to Christmas.  I have a few presents and I haven't even had the heart to wrap them.  New Years Eve I will have no one to share that midnight kiss with to ring in the New Year.  My partner will be 7,494.89 miles away from home.

Anyways enough of that pity party.  So on a happier note this deployment is almost over.

Why must our feelings be so complicated?  I can be happy as a clam and then down in the dumps the very next second.  BLAH.  Hey at least I guess complicated feels are better than none, gives me the feeling of being human stuck on this beautiful planet living my chaotic life.

So sitting on the couch staring off in a daze, I've been having a lot of thoughts about the future.  Just a bunch of passing thoughts.  Many of them questions and many just thoughts, but yet all so confusing.  HELP!  Sometimes I feel like Harry from Something's Gotta Give (2003) when they are in Paris during the birthday scene (Erica and Julian hold hands till after Harry says "make a wish") the oh my goodness I just realized I love this woman so much and she is in love with someone else, if I love her this much and she is so happy I will let her go.  Not really sure if that made any sense.  The sudden realization.

Wow another pity party.  See like I said, up and down.  Sitting here listening to music has made me realize that I could have done something better with me life.  No, no, no I am not cracking myself, well maybe, but I am happy with the way my life is turning out so far (ask me again in 5 years I might have changed my mind).  But truly, I  enjoy my life as if I were on a cool autumn Sunday stroll in the park you always see in the movies.  Where the trees line the edge of the path.  The path that is big enough to fit three cars down, with the benches on both sides ever spaced so evenly.  In other words, the place you go to escape this chaotic world and feel at peace.  I am at peace with where I am in my life.


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