Me Being Me!

I started Rochelle's Organized Chaos, December 2010.  I am however not so sure why I started it, yet.  I guess just deep down I felt like something is missing out of my daily life or I just need a change in the day to day.

Me?  I was born in 1983.  To some of you I am older than Methuselah and to others I am still a young grass hopper.  I still as of this moment don't really know why I started this blog, I mean nothing dramatic has happened in my life.  I haven't been divorced.  HECK I haven't even been married.  I have no kids.  I want kids, but my partner (we shall call him "Wilson") doesn't want any at the moment.  So, yay boring ole my life.

Yup, that's me!  *Points to the left and up*  Nothing has really changed in the two years since that picture.  Well physical wise anyways.  Emotionally yes.  I am currently surviving my first deployment with "Wilson", whom is on his third tour of duty.  I try to make the most out of this one life I was given to grace the Earth with my presence.  I try not to take it too seriously. Life moves pretty fast, if I don't stop and look around once in a while, I might miss it.

Military life is challenging, especially during deployments. You never know what holidays you will be spending together.  You never know when you will get to hear from your loved one.  Everything you thought was going to go according to plan can and will be screwed up at the last moment.  Even if its on paper somehow it always gets changed, ALWAYS.  Of course as soon as you just start to settle down, WAIT HOLD UP, orders come in for you to PCS (move for you non-military speaking people).  If your loved one is the most depended upon person in the unit you never get to see them during family events, NEVER.  This lifestyle is not easy, but I love it.

I think I might have a slight clue as to why I started this blog.  I remember sitting on the couch earlier, feeling down.  These days feeling down comes easily while Wilson is deployed.  Some days I feel emotionally strong, other days I feel like I had a knock down drag it out in the gutter fight and I am so drained I feel like giving up on life.  I can't.  It's like that quote from Batman Begins: "Why do we fall down?  So we might learn to pick ourselves up."  Some days I have fallen and I have to learn to pick myself up.  Sometimes the only thing that gets me through my day is telling myself over and over that its one more day closer to "Wilson" being home, one day less in this blasted deployment.  So in a weak moment (and probably a stupid one too) I decided to create a blog.  I don't really have any close friends (or family) for that matter that understand what I am going through, I guess this is my way of venting.

I love to read, scrapbook and make my own crafty projects.  I also love to write.  I have attempted many times to write a novel, but I just can't seem to get past the first chapter.  Well, I guess that kills a writing career.  Short stories (one or two pages) I can do from time to time when I am in the mood (normally a pissed off at the world mood).  If there was one thing I could be really really really good at it would be playing piano, it just seems so relaxing to listen to.

I have learned on the road of life that not everyone is going to agree with what I have to say, there will be those negative people and those who have the same ideas as me.  To be perfectly (not really) honest, people are either gonna hate or love you and sometimes there is an in between, but very rarely.

I guess my life lesson is in life you will screw up many times.  You can't do everything right and you can't do it perfect either, but doing it your way may be your right and perfect.  So before you knock someone on their ass for doing something wrong or not perfect think...that is their right way and their perfect. 

So welcome to Rochelle's Organized Chaos!!!


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