Monday, February 7, 2011


As I was looking at myself this morning in the mirror I was grossed out by what I saw, FAT.  I never really had a problem with my body, but lately here I've started to notice that I am way too fat.  I've always thought my body beautiful, but now I see this wiggling jiggling fat with HUGE hips, thighs, and stomach and it grosses me out.  I was never skinny, but I was never this fat either.

Last week I started an exercise program, Hip Hop Abs, I worked on it for a week, but yesterday I just had no desire to workout.  So today I am going to start over and try it again.  I have to stay motivated and I think with a little dietary supplement the fat may come off a little faster or at least help with aiding the exercise.

Yes, I know healthy eating is part of the process too.  I think writing here what I eat or even in a note pad may help me keep track of my weight.  I am going to try and do my best, I am tired of this blob of fat I call my body.  Time to get off my @ss and kick it with Hip Hop Abs for my 30min workout.

I wish myself the best of luck.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Work Outs...

I think I might have actually found one I can stick with, Hip Hop Abs.  Waiting for Zumba to finish downloading to see if I can actually keep up with that one.  WHEW, I need a shower.  I stink soooo bad, I bet a skunk would run from me.  I am actually gonna have to follow rules, that is after I make them.  Let's see:
  1. No junk food
  2. No sugary drinks
  3. Drink plenty of water
  4. No eating out at the drop of a hat.
  5. Eat healthy foods
  6. Keep up with exercise
I am sure there are other things I forgot to list.  I really hope I can continue this exercise routine.  I guess I will see in time.

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